Thursday, July 3, 2008

Handy Tips Guaranteed to Make Your Tailgating Grilling Party a Success


You can experience the enjoyment of grilling while tailgating in many ways but you must consider the most important thing, cleanliness - keeping micro-organisms away from the food you take with you.

Most of the time, when you are planning to do grilling while tailgating, you put most of your effort in planning the event that you forget the first and most important concern you should consider. Most of the time, food contamination spoils your food. So here are some reminders for you to consider:

* Logistics. You should carefully plan ahead of time. In order for you not to meet problems when tailgating, you must make a list of everything you need - equipment, utensils and foods. You can bring with you a portable grill stand for foods or a specialist tailgate grill that attaches to your pickup. And of course remember your charcoal or gas bottle if gas grilling! Do not also forget to bring a trash bag or two. Avoid littering, double check everything and make sure everything is packed the night before the outing.

* Choose food carefully. For meat and fish, make sure that they are fresh. Some signs of freshness of fish are shiny eyes, red gills and shiny scales. For fruit and vegetables also be sure that they are fresh. Keep all food chilled in a cool box to avoid contamination by bacterial growth. When food is warm in your vehicle, bacteria can multiply rapidly. Separate raw foods from cooked foods. For fruits and vegetables you can prepare them the night before and put the washed and chopped foods inside an airtight container then chill it. Eggs and mayonnaise based salad dressings should not exceed a 24 hours storing period so best to prepare as late as possible before leaving.

* Cook the food safely. All the foods that you take with you to your grilling while tailgating party should be cooked safely. Meat and fish should be grilled properly until cooked right through. Meat and fish that are not well cooked are susceptible to contamination by micro-organisms. The temperatures inside the piece of food will not have been high enough to destroy the bacteria, which can multiply at an alarming rate, leading to food poisoning. Always be sure to clean your hands before and after handling raw food. Remember to keep hot foods hot and cold foods chilled. Grilled food should be out of the steaming grill when it is time to eat to keep the freshness of the food.

With a little planning, grilling while tailgating is fun. Always use your common sense when planning a tailgating party so that you can enjoy the buzz. Most of all do not leave your trash behind. Take it home and dispose of it properly.

Want the best barbecue tips and advice? Want to impress friends and family with your tailgating party grilling recipes? Then visit the Grilling Coach now.

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